23 June 2009


YES!!i did it!
at the end i lost control, and i need someone shoulder..who can lend me??since from last night something happened around me!it's second times ~break my heart;) its deep inside;) im smile??siao....that's not me!
he told me .....
.he spot into my baby bum..;) everything was so surprise ...never ever thought the girl is my baby bum...hahaha..today i had share with her about him...my face cant lie everyone.^^althought me keept on smile or laugh...but emotion was show out in my face.i look down.yes!im trying to be strong....but!!i lost~kakakaka...when walked back home after searched a tuition centre with wei and ni.~down from bus,i was taking my umbrella walking by alone.i told myself should be strong and all has gone ,no way to take it all back..
i told truth for him~how brave of me!!yes..i did it
!you're so hard to know you..
today i thought so much in class....thought you just a main character in my story.
now,will be share .my story is END
close file
i should to put it down and concentrated on my study, give me a times cz it's not a easy work
juan has asked me about my face in msn..everytime i thinking or worrying about my face she must will came out and support me to treat a doctor as fast. thanks alot
but me starting lazy and tired...im not charm girl...no need do anything else to prove myself!!
im lost !!! ru, you're ugly cause you lazy!! almost 7 years .it dint leave from me!! i hate you!!!i hateeeeeeeee..why all girl can be white white and beauty ,but i cant!!!!!heh heh...im not strong!!!!! im just a simple girl ,i have my own style to friends or plays with someone .im not pro in chats with guys..

unlucky girl

end the story

1 comment:

  1. ru..definitely i can lend my shoulder to u..it will not effect our relationship..love u alW!!!! MUACKSSSS...

    Weiii... U r cham laaa!!!!!
